Portage Park
46490 Portage Avenue
Updated February 2024
Number of courts: 4
Number of parking spots: on-street only.
Practice wall: no
Pickleball lines on courts: no
Court surface composition: asphalt with acrylic top coat
Court surface condition: good
Condition of nets/posts: good
Condition of Lines: good
Benches: 2 wooden benches on each side fence
Tennis court signage: yes, for tennis/pickleball
Nearby public amenities: locked restrooms, security code required to unlock
In a neighbourhood park with children’s playground, multi-use court, picnic tables, walking trails
Large shade trees on south end of courts
Fencing is good; all 10’ high, 2 entrances into court area
Court spacing is good
Surface becoming worn from pressure washing; some scratches, tears and burn marks from skateboards and power scooters
Net posts are pulling up and cracking the asphalt
Nets are in good condition, no tears or major damage
Parking on Woodbine Street & Portage Avenue; 3 parking spots at the end of Mackin Avenue