Watson Glen Park
5745 Tyson Road
Updated May 2024
Number of courts: 4
Number of parking spots: ample parking, shared with library, ice rink, park
Practice wall: no
Pickleball lines on courts: no
Court surface composition: asphalt with acrylic top coat
Court surface condition: good
Condition of nets/posts: good
Condition of Lines: good
Benches: 4 - 1 wooden bench on each side fence
Tennis court signage: no
Nearby public amenities: outdoor, locked restrooms at the ice rink; security code required to unlock; 5-minute walk to tennis courts
in Watson Glen Park, close to ice rinks, library, walking trails, multi-use courts
situated at the base of a hill to the west that’s covered with deciduous trees which drop a lot of leaves on the courts in the Fall, (bring along your broom or leaf blower)
courts are situated in a low spot in the park (were completely flooded in November 2021)
court configuration: 4 courts - 2 are fenced together on each side of a wide asphalt walkway
Court spacing ?spacing between/around to confirm?
Fencing: excellent, strong, high; 2 entrances into each set of 2 courts
surface is starting to wear off from pressure washing
tearing along the bottom of some nets; centre straps frequently missing so nets blow back and forth across the surface
Note: one net post in southwest court has been seriously bent