Sardis Secondary School
45460 Stevenson Road
This is on school property – not a City of Chilliwack facility
Updated April 2024
Number of courts: 4
Number of parking spots: school parking lot
Practice wall: originally, but not accessible now?
Pickleball lines on courts: 3 courts, on 1 ½ tennis courts
Court surface composition: originally asphalt with acrylic top coat
Court surface condition: fair
Condition of nets/posts: fair
Condition of Lines: fair, starting to fade
Benches: 2 (between courts)
Tennis court signage: no
Nearby public amenities: none
acrylic top coat has mostly worn off
cracks in several places, around net posts, centre net strap pins, etc.
bottom stitching on nets is starting to deteriorate
spacing: 24’ between courts, 22’ behind courts
practice wall in separate enclosure at west end of courts (now a storage area?)
enclosure at east end of courts – any balls going over the fence and into this area are irretrievable
fencing is good, but entry door is low and doesn’t open properly
Construction of a 2-story addition to the school is underway. A portable classroom has been erected on one tennis court, and will remain until the construction is completed.