G.W. Graham Secondary School (Thomas Park)
45955 Thomas Road
This is on school property – not a City of Chilliwack facility
Updated February 2024
Number of courts: 4
Number of parking spots: large parking lot to the east
Practice wall: no
Pickleball lines on courts: 2 PB on each tennis court
Court surface composition: asphalt (no acrylic top coat)
Court surface condition: fair
Condition of nets/posts: fair
Condition of Lines: fair
Benches: no
Tennis court signage: no
Nearby public amenities: none
borders Thomas Park (to the west) and GW Graham school parking lots and buildings (to the south)
fencing: 26' behind courts (east end) 22' behind courts (west end); 12' to side fences
court surface is dirty; a little rough; some minor cracks
Lines: some of the original pickleball lines were painted over with smooth, gray paint (could be a potential slipping hazard
Courts are oriented east-west: visibility is a problem in the morning and evening
may be suitable for tournaments and other group activities (outside of school hours)
Court spacing - 12' between court lines, 6' between net posts